Weekly Reflection- August 20, 2023

Dr. Cybele Wu
2 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

Like most job searching weeks, it is a roller coaster of emotions and events. It may start out on a high note, go low, go up again, and down again. And some days, I am sure it turns upside down. In this past week, I felt up, as I was sure I was going to hear back about an application. But, by Wednesday, when I hadn’t heard anything, I was down, thinking something must be wrong with me.

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

As part of my job searching and connecting to community, I stepped out and went to a networking event, Beer and Biotech ( I do not drink beer, as I am gluten sensitive, but am interested the biotech topics). I was up again, meeting some I had met before, others who were new connections. I even spoke with someone about my struggle with being overqualified and trying to get a foot in the door. They were incredible, giving me sound advice on how to approach it in a cover letter. And I was up again. I returned home, followed up on the connections I had and waited…. and asked myself why I hadn’t heard from the company I had applied to. And in my own thoughts, I was down again.

Yesterday was my dad’s birthday. If he was still here on earth, he would have been 88. He loved food. So, in my intention to celebrate his birthday, I cooked a tagine in my tagine pot. I knew my dad was there watching over me, and experiencing the food and celebration with friends. And I was up again!

So, I start this week in an uptick, meeting with my memoir writing friend. She is around 20 years older than I am but so connected. We have discussing our need for community, our need to tell our stories and others. It is what gets us up in the morning. It is what excites and inspires us. It is what makes us laugh and smile!

In the upcoming week, I am not sure if it will be more up than or not. However, I have meetings and connections to make. I have applications to make and follow-up on. And I have things to read and write about. So, in the words of my friend, Judith Hemphill , “ Shut up and write already!”

