Dr. Cybele Wu
3 min readDec 2, 2020


The Power of Positive Thought

I have been thinking of writing this post for awhile and thought it not only impacts me as the writer, but also my readers. We are living in a time when everything is in flux. Many are unemployed. Our healthcare is being taxed by the current pandemic. The economy and job market are down. So, how do we change our mindset from doom and gloom to one of positivity?

I have never really used a mantra. Sure I meditate but I never understood how it can make a major impact on not only your life, but those around you. I am also an aerial artist, or am workin on it:

I am 51 and never really thought of myself as strong or capable. But in the past 2 years of doing aerial, I now have a core and am doing things I never thought were possible.

I am am a caregiver for my 85-year-old father with Lyme disease. Those of you who are or have been caregiver understands the struggles that I have gone through. It is a 24/7 job. The things that you wish you could do you cannot do because you need to care for that person who spent his youth caring for you. For me, I have gotten divorced, completed a second masters and a doctorate…and now a UX/UI bootcamp…all while caregiving. Still my job-search has been put on hold to help care for him.

This is not to say that all of the struggles are on me because they aren’t. They are also on my father. His mobility has gone down, as well as his cognitive abilities. When I was younger I could never keep up with him. He ran 2 marathons when he was younger. Last week I noticed the increase of his head going down no matter what we thought we were doing to help.

It occurred to me that the problem (at least partially) was his own thought processes. So, I thought using a mantra that he says, even if he is just repeating could be powerful…and if he could believe it he could get that power back. I have been astounded as to what happened. Last night he was digging his heels in not wanting to standup. I stood in front of him and asked him to say his mantra: “I CAN DO IT”. No response. I slowed it down so he can take a word at a time…I ….CAN…Do…It. He repeated between each word. I then asked him to say the whole mantra again “I can do it” and he said it with no problem…his face changed to one that believed he truly was capable. He was then able to stand up so that he could go through his nightly routines.

I know that we don’t all have the same experiences or histories but we are all dealing with difficulties in this time. We often tell ourselves that “we suck at something” and true, we might not be skilled at that but we must continue to work forward to get better and stronger, just as my dad is doing. I am new to design so am not that skilled at it (so instead of saying that I suck at it), I am saying I am not that skilled but am working every day to improve my skills so that I can get good at it.

So, let’s keep thinking positively and moving forward to a more capable and brighter future where we can succeed.

